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The Many Lives of Nathan James: Update

The Many Lives of Nathan James: Update

Greetings Ladies and Gents,

Happy New Year! There are some amazing things coming to light in 2016. The Many Lives of Nathan James is predicted to be out by the end of February! We are working on making my debut novel as perfect as possible before we release it to you eager readers. If you are a fan of the eReader, you are in luck! The eBook version of the novel will be released a bit before the hard copy edition, so keep an eye out for that in your favorite online book store.

This year, I have made several resolutions that I would like to share with my readers, mainly so you will hold me to them, but also to inspire your own goals for 2016. I have been writing and rewriting The Many Lives of Nathan James for longer than I would like to admit. I wrote on lunch breaks, in between work projects, when I had some down time, when I was just plain bored, but I never really made designated time to write. Stephen King is noted as saying he writes every single day when he is working on a novel, and holidays are not an exception. This year, I am taking a page out of Mr. King's playbook. My goal is to write a minimum of 2,000 words per day, which will give me enough to complete the 2 books I would like to finish this year.

My second resolution is to become an expert in the indie publishing space. The publishing industry as a whole is shifting in every direction. Traditionally, authors would submit manuscripts directly to a major publishing house, that author would get an advance on royalties, and the publishing house would use their team of editors and savvy marketers to put that novel on the bestseller's list. Then, publishing houses started looking to literary agents as a filter for the mountains of manuscripts they received, making it even harder for a new author to garner attention. Now, new authors are just doing it themselves! With an array of platforms to choose from, it isn't hard to find a way to get your story out there.

I submitted to loads of publishing houses with the highest hopes of getting that big advance and a dream team of savvy publishing extraordinaires to make me into the next J.K. Rowling. I wrote query after query only to receive a slew of well written rejection letters. Finally, I said screw it and made my own publishing company. Yes, you heard right, I'm a business owner now! Bobeen Publishing will be attacking the publishing industry in 2016. I am working on a website now and will keep you updated on new developments. 

If it sounds like these are ambitious goals, that's because they are, but I have never been more determined. When I was writing TMLNJ and researching the indie publishing industry, everything seemed so far out of reach. Now, the world is at my fingertips and I don't intend on letting it slip away. I will have more updates in the future on TMLNJ as we get closer to the release date, but I will also be sharing with you my experiences with indie publishing. I hope you will stay tuned this year to see what's next for H.C. Huber and Bobeen Publishing!

Till next time,


About Indie Publishing

About Indie Publishing

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